2016年11月29日 星期二

The Infinity Vase

The stylish & unique INFINITY VASE, can be arrange in different forms and matches many floral colors. Exceptional style can be created by different combinations.
The elegance of flowers and plants ices your living style and taste. The Infinity vase by LANTO enhances the charisma of the flower arrangements in your living space. With its crafted simple outlines, the Infinity vase can be used with varied shapes and preferences, the texture of living goes to the infinity.

具有風格特色的花瓶,借著不同的排列方式與色彩搭配可營造出不同的風格, 置入花卉後能讓空間中增添質感與品味。INFINITY VASE, 連結搭配出自己的風格, 將品味帶入生活。
個性與優雅的花瓶 可放置花草植物做擺飾 提升生活品質, 簡潔幹練的線條, 充滿著率性與品味, 多變的造型可配合喜好做變化, 將無限的質感帶入生活。
放置與養殖植物花草( 插花 )

Ripple Coasters by LANTO

Ripple Coasters by LANTO
Raise your glasses! Cheers! Toast to each other! By transforming the instant ripples into eternal coasters, the charm of the ripple effect will sure be conveyed to friends and families. Much like the Ripple Coasters by LANTO, stirred our interconnected hearts, with joy, touched each other.



OBENTO lunch box brings you the warmth from home in this fast food urban lifestyle. The triangular shape is known to have incredible energy, much like the saying of a pyramid is able to gather the power of the universe. Dinning at home is usually plain and simple, but have meals from home will allow you to enjoy the full happiness and make your perception of the world with pure warmth. 
OBENTO is inspired by the shape of traditional Japanese triangular rice balls. The inner design of the cover serves as a dipping sauce dish. Space saving interlocking system is adjustable as needed and maximized use of space for easy carrying. OBENTO by LANTO is spill proof with its silicone sealing and interlocking buckles. When interlocking system to stack two or more OBENTO is not needed, the bottom buckle can be folded. This way the box is elevated and it will not come in contact with the table, to keep the bottom of OBENTO clean.
LANTO OBENTO is made from the highest quality bpa free material for strong durability and safety. It has a wide range of temperature tolerance from -40°C to 110°C.  It is Microwave-safe with its cover opened, and dishwasher safe away from heating elements.

在這個連用餐都講求快速的時代,總是缺少了來自家的溫暖,但OBENTO三角便當盒卻能讓您在一天之中輕鬆擁有。三角形有著不可思議的能量之說 ,就像金字塔內部有著可以聚集宇宙的力量。便當通常是來自家裡所烹調的料理,樸實而簡單,不像在餐廳用膳的華麗。外食的同時仍然讓您迫不及待的享受滿滿幸福,讓您感知世間純真的溫暖,找到自己前進的方向!OBENTO三角便當盒 的設計發想源自於傳統日式三角御飯糰的形狀。上蓋的內面設計了貼心的醬料凹層,便於沾、點醬汁。特殊的下扣串連設計可將兩個或以上的Onigiri堆疊扣緊方便攜帶。無需串連時,本體扣環可內摺收納,當放置於桌面時便當盒底部將不易於桌面接觸,保持盒底清潔。
材質: PP聚丙烯樹酯;Tritan共聚酯;Silicon矽氧樹酯不含雙酚A請安心使用
耐溫耐低溫-40°C ~高溫110°C
: マカロン色、青、紫、黑、白
耐熱/耐冷: 耐冷-40°C ~耐熱110°C
火気を遠離; 耐熱/耐冷の温度内でご使用下さい
設計/生産地: 台灣

2014年3月3日 星期一

Tetrapod Door Stopper

This tiny, almost undetectable island is surrounded by Tetrapod armor blocks. They not only defend the coastline but also protect every inch of the land. Tetrapod copes with endless attacks from sea waves, yet sticks to its post and prevent land erosion. Every visit to the beach, Tetrapod armor blocks were never the center of attention, but it has always been the guardian for our land. LANTO brings the Tetrapod armor blocks into homes from the beach, by transforming them into door stoppers so they will not only guard the sea waves but also your doors.
• To get a good breeze or provide ventilation for your room
• To prevent an accident caused by door opening or shutting
How to use:
• Flip-open one side of the block
• Put in the gap between the bottom of the opened door and floor
• Fix it firmly
• Do not use in the place near the fire or it might be deformed
• Do not pull the door forcibly while the door is fixed by the product, it might occur damages or deformation
• Avoid children’s touch; prevent children from inching their fingers
Designed and made in Taiwan. 

這個小到幾乎在地圖上快要看不見的小島周圍、環繞著無數的消波塊。 捍衛著海岸線、面對著大海的海浪無止盡攻擊、防止海浪侵蝕陸地。 每每來到海邊,備受矚目的主角永遠不是它,但它總是默默的守護著! 而LANTO把消波塊從海邊帶回家裡、讓化身為門擋的消波塊,也守護著 您的家園吧!

テトラポッド  ドアストッパー
テトラポッド  ドアストッパーをめくって、ドアの隙間に置くこと。


2013年4月9日 星期二


As climate changing, sea level rising gradually, before the end of the world, it is never too late to begin an adventure. Please take LAKE LANTO by your side and enjoy the fresh sashimi in Japan, the famous seafood risotto in Spain, the authentic pizza in Italy, the world renowned Canelé bordelais in France...
On the journey, while tasting all kinds of delicious food around the world, LAKE LANTO reminds travelers of the beautiful lakes back home. Just like the Sun Moon Lake or the gorgeous “Angels’ Tears” Cha Ming Lake in Taiwan. Traveling is to find our way home.
Quality Assurance:
LAKE LANTO is made of very fine BPA-Free materials, and have a wide range of temperature tolerance from -40
°C to 110°C. Microwave-safe.
Its intelligent design gives a unique convenience and reliability for holding. The tip of the spoon can also be used as a fork. It is a durable utensil and can be stacked for storage.
To clean: wash with clear water and air-dry. Dishwasher safe away from heating element
keep away from fire
PP Polypropylene, BPA-Free
Quantity: 5 PCS/package
Designed and made in Taiwan.

氣候變遷,海平面漸漸上升... 在世界末日前,開始環遊世界冒險的旅程。
請帶著 LANTO 湖盤到日本嚐新鮮的生魚片、到西班牙享受海鮮燉飯、到義大利享用道地的比薩、到法國品嘗世界著名的可麗露... 
旅途品嘗美食的同時 彷彿想起在家鄉的美麗湖泊。像是 台灣八景之一的日月潭、或是有 “天使的眼淚”美名的嘉明湖、旅行是一種找到回家的路。咱家的路、LANTO 的路。
材質: PP 聚丙烯塑膠,不含雙酚A請安心使用 耐溫耐低溫-40°C ~高溫110°C商品特色:適合隨身用餐或派對餐具;由耐用塑膠材質製成,可安全在洗碗機和微波爐內使用。可堆疊,容易收納。

2012年5月26日 星期六

The Peony Garden Wall Deco by LANTO

In recent years, oriental culture and arts catch more and more attention in today’s market all over the world. An original design pattern of The Peony Garden was inspired by the “mu dan” 牡丹flower, which represents prosperities and wealth.
The Peony Garden wall deco from Lanto provides customers an inspiring decoration idea. With its flexible material, it is easy to customize your space with style. This specially designed shape can be displayed in a variety of patterns with endless imaginations. By connecting the pieces of peony vines together, the product not only can be hanged on the walls as decorations; but also suspended from the ceiling to create a divider. The Peony Garden adds beautiful and dramatic garden scenery to the interior space. This brilliant wall deco creates an image of elegant oriental cultural atmosphere and was unprecedented.
Quality assurance:
The Peony Garden by Lanto is made of very fine and pure food grade, BPA-Free materials, which are intelligently designed to give a unique convenience and reliability for holding and functioning. It is a great decoration to your everyday living.
To clean: wash with clear water and air-dry. Dishwasher safe away from heating element
Warning: keep away from fire and do not microwave
All Lanto’s products are the intellectual property and trademark of Lanto by John Lan and Chin Shun Plastic Co., LTD. All right s reserved 2010.
Materials: PP Polypropylene, BPA-Free
Designed and made in Taiwan.
No. 23, Alley 3, Lane 246,Hsin-Ming Rd. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2791-7712 Fax:886-2-27939629
近年來許多強調文化性與地域性之文創商品在市場越來越受重視。 商品將以目前市場上未曾出現的東方文化的元素與意象來呈現,使產品能夠成讓空間產生典雅或華麗的東方情調,與目前市場上塑膠壁飾風格產生差異。 提供消費者另類選擇,成為第一個有文化性與地域性之塑膠壁飾之商品。藍傢的牡丹壁飾設計發想源自於 ”牡丹” 花呈現給人的富貴及圓滿的含意, 因此激勵消費者對於居家設計裝飾的靈感。具有彈性的無毒材質可以簡單的妝點您的家。特殊的造型設計可以勾掛出無限種的設計樣式。產品可以獨立單元固定於牆面成為裝飾品,亦可將單元組連結成屛風隔間或牆面裝飾。
材質:聚丙烯樹脂; 不含雙酚A請安心使用

The Tealeidoscope by LANTO

Tired of the invariable taste of tea bags, and the inconvenience of cleaning up the whole teapot set, you still need a cup of tea to comfort your soul…
The name “Tealeidoscope” was inspired by the childhood memories of looking into the Kaleidoscope and being amazed by the fascinating patterns. Feel the warmth of the cup in your hands, and inhale the delicate aroma of the tea. That is the reason why you love drinking tea. Scoop some tea leaves from the canister with the Tealeidoscope, and choose your favorite tea cup. Pour some hot water into the cup and stir with the Tealeidoscope gently. Every step is a joy. Tealeidoscope reminds you of the delight of looking through a kaleidoscope when you relax yourself and watch the tea leaves slowly stretch.
Quality assurance:
The Tealeidoscope by Lanto is made of very fine and pure food grade, BPA-Free materials, which have a very wide range of temperature tolerance from -40°C to 110°C.
Its intelligent design gives a unique convenience and reliability for holding and functioning. It is a durable utensil with proper maintenance.
To clean: wash with clear water and air-dry. Dishwasher safe away from heating element
Warning: keep away from fire and do not microwave
Temperature tolerance: -40°C ~110°C
Material:Stainless Steel, PP Polypropylene, Tritan, BPA-Free
Designed and made in Taiwan.
茶包不變的口感,清潔一整套茶具的麻煩,但卻需要一杯茶安穩自己時…Tealeidoscope 的發想起源於兒時把玩萬花筒,於小圓孔裡百花齊放的樂趣。於暖暖的杯子穿過手心的幸福,茶葉在熱水中伸展時的感動和緩緩升起的茶香,因由喜歡喝茶。從Tealeidoscope的茶匙,掏出茶罐舀茶葉,挑選最愛的杯子,傾注熱水,在杯中輕搖茶匙,每個步驟都是享受。讓你更可以享受地觀賞 茶葉舒展時,有如在萬花筒的小圓孔裡欣賞百花齊放的樂趣
材質:不鏽鋼, PP聚丙烯樹脂; Tritan, 不含雙酚A請安心使用
耐溫: 耐低溫-40°C ~高溫110°C
保存方法: 清洗後晾乾
遠離火源; 勿使用於微波爐, 爐灶
本產品冷凍後掉若地面或碰撞, 可能導致破裂, 請小心使用
勿用強酸或強鹼之清潔劑, 避免表面被腐蝕