This tiny, almost undetectable island is surrounded by Tetrapod armor blocks. They not only defend the coastline but also protect every inch of the land. Tetrapod copes with endless attacks from sea waves, yet sticks to its post and prevent land erosion. Every visit to the beach, Tetrapod armor blocks were never the center of attention, but it has always been the guardian for our land. LANTO brings the Tetrapod armor blocks into homes from the beach, by transforming them into door stoppers so they will not only guard the sea waves but also your doors.
• To get a good breeze or provide ventilation for your room
• To prevent an accident caused by door opening or shutting
How to use:
• Flip-open one side of the block
• Put in the gap between the bottom of the opened door and floor
• Fix it firmly
• Do not use in the place near the fire or it might be deformed
• Do not pull the door forcibly while the door is fixed by the product, it might occur damages or deformation
• Avoid children’s touch; prevent children from inching their fingers
Designed and made in Taiwan.
這個小到幾乎在地圖上快要看不見的小島周圍、環繞著無數的消波塊。 捍衛著海岸線、面對著大海的海浪無止盡攻擊、防止海浪侵蝕陸地。
每每來到海邊,備受矚目的主角永遠不是它,但它總是默默的守護著! 而LANTO把消波塊從海邊帶回家裡、讓化身為門擋的消波塊,也守護著
• 能夠讓空氣流通、呼吸新鮮空氣
• 避免夾手意外、門大力關上
• 室內門用,使門保持開啟
• 打開消波塊的一角,放置門下方的縫隙
• 請確認有正確的放置妥當