The stylish & unique INFINITY VASE, can be arrange in different forms and matches many floral colors. Exceptional style can be created by different combinations.
The elegance of flowers and plants ices your living style and taste. The Infinity vase by LANTO enhances the charisma of the flower arrangements in your living space. With its crafted simple outlines, the Infinity vase can be used with varied shapes and preferences, the texture of living goes to the infinity.
具有風格特色的花瓶,借著不同的排列方式與色彩搭配可營造出不同的風格, 置入花卉後能讓空間中增添質感與品味。INFINITY VASE, 連結搭配出自己的風格, 將品味帶入生活。
個性與優雅的花瓶 可放置花草植物做擺飾 提升生活品質, 簡潔幹練的線條, 充滿著率性與品味, 多變的造型可配合喜好做變化,
放置與養殖植物花草( 插花 )